
5 Things to Carry in Your Bag at All Times

bag essentials

I consider myself a busy, urban, young professional and lately I have been meeting more and more people from that same kind. We are all in a hurry, running around town, with sunglasses and big bags. But what are the five essentials that every young urban girl should carry in that big bag? Here are my thoughts…

1. Your business card – essential! You never know when a good contact will cross your way and it would bee needed to give out your contact details. If you do not have a business card, create one that is beautiful and eye catching.

I carry mine in my wallet if I am on the go or my card-holder if I am going to a meeting/or carrying my big purse.

2. Smart-phone aka my right hand aka my life. I personally go nowhere without my iPhone, it is my calendar, my social networks, my email, my notebook and my camera in one device. But… in order to keep it alive most of the time I carry my charger with me.

3. Pen and a cute notebook. You never know when you have to actually have to write something (note – not type!) So looking for inspiration and trying to capture the moment I always carry a pen and a little pad of paper with me, just in case. Currently I am carryin a little notebook from IKEA and my Parker Pen.

4. Touch up and refresh kit. Make up is part of my life and trying to look good at all times means having a little make up bag/pouch in the purse with me almost always – blotting powder, lip balm, a little perfume, breath freshener, wet wipes, bobby pins and a hair tie. Simply essentials.

5.Cash. This is a tough one, as a person who have lived in countries, where cash is almost not used I am always the one who has to go to the ATM, but sometimes… cash is all you can pay with and no cash means no money. So I have a few banknotes in my wallet with me.

Bonus: a USB stick. Because having a blog means carrying around pictures and files.

Which are your 5 essentials? Would you add something to mine?


Приемам себе си като млада, работеща, градска жена и напоследък все по-често и по-често се сблъсквам с хора от моята подрода – тичащи из града, със слънчеви очила и големи чанти. Но кои са нещата, които градското момиче трябва да носи със себе си? Замислих се и това са моите 5 необходимости…

1. Визитни картички – от съществено значение! Никога не знаете, ще се срещнете с някой интересен човек, на който трябва да дадете контактите си. Ако нямате визитки, може да си сътворите много лесно простички, но атрактивни картончета с име и имейл.

Аз нося моите работни визитки в портфейла си, ако съм в движение или във визитник, ако аз отивам на среща / или нося голяма чанта.

2. Смарт-телефон, известен още като дясната ми ръка или живота ми. Аз лично не отивам никъде без моя iPhone, това е календар, социални мрежи, имейл, лаптоп и фотоапарат в едно устройство. Но … за да предотвратя драматични ситуации с умрели батерии, си нося зарядно с мен, когато очаквам да съм навън по-дълго.

3. Химикал и бележник. Човек никога не знае кога, всъщност ще му се наложи да напише нещо, ей така, на ръка. И в търсене на вдъхновение и опити да уловя момента, винаги си нося химикалка и малко тефтерче с мен, просто за всеки случай. В момента имам малко бележниче от IKEA и химикалката ми Parker.

4. Малко гримчета. Гримът е част от живота ми и опитите си да изглеждам сравнително добре във всеки един момент, означава да имам малка чантичка с необходими продукъти почти винаги с мен – пудра, балсам за устни, малко парфюмче, освежител за дъх, мокри кърпички, фибички и ластичка. Просто Essentials.

5.Кеш. Това е труден момент за мен, като човек, който е живял в години наред в страни, където кеш почти не се използва винаги съм тази, която трябва да отиде до банкомата, но понякога … кеш е всичко, с което може да плати  и без кеш няма “пари”. Така че се опитвам да имам няколко банкноти в портфейла си с мен.

Бонус: USB флашка, защото като блогър трябва да разнасям снимки и файлове с мен.

Кои са вашите 5 неща? Какво бихте добавили към моите?

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5 Must Have Investment Pieces

When it comes to spending money, I am fantastically skilled at it, but lately I have been thinking about what is actually worth spending my hard earned money on and what can be disregarded, or we can go get it on sale or not at all. I made a little list for myself, just to note some staples that are necessary, versatile, classic and can be splurged on, because then can be worn with everything.


Когато става дума за харчене на пари, не мисля, че има някой по-добър от мен, но напоследък много разсъждавам над какво всъщност си струва инвестицията на изкараните ми с труд стотинки и какво може да бъде незакупено или поне не за много пари. Направих си малък лист с всички дрехи, които си заслужават да бъде инвестирано в тях, защото са необходими, класически и  могат да се комбинират в безброй комбинации.

To begin with…. my top 5 essential investment pieces

The little black dress: Classic and timeless. It can be dressed up or dressed down. It can be preppy or business. It can be paired with chunky modern jewellery or with classic pearls. A little black dress is something that can be splurged on, just because you get so much use out of it, and in the end, you always wear it during special occasions, so it is extra fab to also feel good and expensive.


Малка черна рокля: Класическа и вечна. Може да я направите да изглежда безкрайно елегантно или да бъде по-спортна. Може да се носи с големи модерни бижута или с нежни перли. Малката черна рокля, заслужава да се инвестира в нея, просто защото ще я употребявате по-най-различни поводи и можете да я комбинирате с най-различни аксесоари, за да постигнете различна визия и стил. И не на последно място, малката черна рокля е много подходяща за специални събития, и ако е скъпа, добре ушита и елегантна, ще ви накара да се чувствате добе от вътре, както и от вън.


Photo source: google image

The blazer: Another classy piece, that can make an outfit! A simple blazer paired with white tee and jeans is as classic and comfy as it gets. I love how Kim Kardashian and Wendy from Wendy’s Lookbook rock the blazer. A good tailored, classic black or snow-white blazer can last you years and be a faithful companion in many different style adventures.


Сакото: Още една класическа дреха, която може да ви направи аутфита елегантен всеки път. Добре скроено и ушито сако (четете по-скъпо) си заслужава инвестицията. В комбинация с дънки и семпла бяла тениска се превръща в класически и удобен ансамбъл. Много ми харесва как Ким Кардашиан и Wendy от Wendy’s Lookbook комбинират сака в различни визии. Хубавото сако, в неутрален цвят може да бъде използвано с години и да ви бъде верен спътник в модните ви приключения.



Photos source: google images and Wendy’s Lookbook

The jeans: This is probably the most versatile piece of clothing a girl can own. You can rock jeans with pretty much anything and everything. A good fitting pair of jeans, made of great fabric ages well and can be worn for years. There are so many cuts, lenghts and colors of jeans, that it will take a bit of patience and a lot of tried on pairs to find the perfect one, but when you do, and it speaks to you, get it!, no matter how much it costs!


Дънките: Да, дънките, всички ги носим и са най-вероятно едно от най-разнообразните дрехи. Можете да носите дънки с всичко. Хубав чифт дънки, който ви седи добре, направен е от прекрасна и мека материя, остарява красиво и може да го носите доста време. Има толкова много разнообразие във видовете дънки – цветове, материи, фит, дължина, че минават доста опити проба-грешка докато намерите перфектните дънки, но когато ги откриете и те ви проговорят, вземете ги, независимо колко струват.


photo source: pinterest, tag jeans streetstyle

The bag: It is the one accessory that you hod your whole life into. At least I do. A good classic bag is probably the best fashion and style investment you can do, think about all the vintage Chanel and Hermes bags, that are left as legacy! I wish my great-grandma was a Chanel fan… So think about your future generations and when buying a bag think of it as if you were buying stocks or even better… gold, leather gold!


Чантата: Това е единственият аксесоар, в който можете да поберете целия си живот! Хубава, класическа чанта, е може би най-добрата модна инвестиция, която можете да направите, все пак помислете за всички vintage Chanel и Hermes, които се оставят като наследство. Иска ми се и на мен пра-баба ми да ми беше фен на Chanel, но уви… Така че, помислете за бъдещите поколения, когато си давате паричките за чанта и инвестирайте в нея, както се инвестира в акции, или още по-добре… в злато, кожено злато!


Photo source: Bogdanin Brothers are Bulgarian designers that create the most amazing in their simplicity pieces. It is on my “want, want, want” list for 2015!

The shoes: This could be the most uncomfortable and painful part of your fashion ensemble, so quality here is essential. I am not a huge heel-fan, but if I was to wear heels, and to buy a pair, it would be well made, beautiful and comfortable (read pricey). I love the Gio Diev shoes, I am in something in the middle of love, lust and desire. Beautiful shoes, and comfy too!


Обувките: Това е най-неудобната и болезнена част от облеклото ни, така че качеството е от значение. Аз лично, не съм огромен фен на токчетата, но ако трябва да си купя обувки на ток, бих инвестирала в чифт добре направени и удобни (четете скъпи) обувки. Много харесвам обувките на Gio Diev! Само като ги пипнете и се влюбвате!

gio diev shoes_Fotor

Photo source: Gio Diev

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3.1 Phillip Lim x Target Bag Collection



Officially the bags are the best part of the 3.1 Phillip Lim x Target Collection. I want them all, but sadly I feel that to get your hands on one of those beauties you have to be in line for hours, to sharpen your nails Lady Gaga-style and be ready to push people, pull hair and elbow the crowd that will be in line in front of the Target stores on 15 September. But still if I can get my hands on one (or more) of these beauties through my buddies living in the USof A I will be the happiest camper. Ever! I completely agree with Emily from Fashion Foie Gras – “The idea of a $35 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli Bag is just too good for most people to miss out on.”!!!philliplimtarget-bags Phillip-lim-target-bags


Photos courtesy of Fashion Foie Gras and The Budget Babe

Daily Bag Obsession: PS1

 PS1 is my ultimate obsession these days. And by ultimate obsession I have the definition that it is something that if it comes deliver to my door tomorrow, I will cry with joy. There are few things in the world that actually have that power.  I am pretty sure the PS1 is one of them, though. It is the perfect bag, simple, classy, spacious and comes in every color possible!!! The rich royal blue is so fab for fall.

Is Renting the New Shopping?

How many pieces of clothing do you own that you have felt in love with in the store, and you bought them, and then they have been there on the hanger in your closet forever, and you’ve worn them like twice in your life.

I have many of those. And I mean many indeed. I have been thinking about that lately, as I am trying to accumulate all my stuff from around the world in a single closet. And it is hard. Too many dresses too little hanger space. Purses too. And jackets. Who needs 12 jakets, of which you wear only  2 all the time.

We live in an age of accumulation and purchasing mania. We buy stuff, we like to own stuff, but then is that the really satisfying thing…owning a hundred dresses? Or two hundred pairs of shoes?

So when I read the Vivian Weng’s article on the Huffington post, I got to thinking about ownership and how it is changing… at least for myself. Indeed I do not own music – I listen to online radio and stream from youtube. Movies and series is the same- thank you magical streaming places!. There is nothing that is on my computer everything I do stream online. Most of my friends do too. (I say most because I still have traditionalists who buy vynils.) About books… I love books, the smell, the feel, the whole magic into turning a page, but with me moving so often all my books are in different places, even different continents, and as they are the heaviest things, usually get left behind. So lately I started to download books. (still not a die-hard fan though).. So for clothes. Why own so many? Why not rent my clothes too, and after I am tired of them just give them back?

We all remember the first “Sex and the city movie”, when Carrie found out about Bag, borrow and steal. But then again how amazing was the happiness in the line “and it ain’t rented” when the renting queen got her own Louis Vuitton.  So is there something magical about fashion and clothes that makes us be so traditional about buying and storing them or as the society changes and new technology and ways of acting and thinking get into it, is the fashion world going to change too?

Are we going to borrow instead of buy? I would. It is cheaper, more convenient and it definitely gives you more variety and options. You can carry a Birkin on day and a Louis the other. I feel it is like someone else is storing your closet for you, and gives you what you need just when you need it, with the click of a mouse. So what is left is the emotional value, the whole amazingness of the fact that you own a beautiful new dress/bag/shoes. But is it just me or in our fast moving, little attention span society, that moment of amazingness doesn’t last that long, and we are off to the next one and then the next one and the next. Hence the hundreds pieces of stuff that are never worn, but just hang in there.

So are we changing that fast? With the success of bag, borrow and steal, rent the runway and fashion hire, I must say yes we are. Buying is overrated, and stuff is easily accumulated. We as modern, fast-pace women need change, need new stuff and definitely need an easy access to that new stuff. And now we got it all, at the click of a mouse, right?

Necessities, Staples and Other Closet Essentials: The Shoulder Bag

Let’s talk about love.. I mean bags!!

A girl can’t have enough, it is like shoes.. but better, because bags never hurt. And there is one kind of bag that is the IT in the world of the bags -always there, full of everything you can possibly need in your life, and of course, a perfect addition to every outfit- the shoulder bag. It is that little treasure chest that you always carry around, that is full of magic and necessities. The perfect shoulder bag is big enough to fit your life in it, but small enough to be easy to carry around.

I am in love with the idea of two lengths of handles – shorter and longer, so that you can carry it as a messenger bag. It just gives some sort of chill and comfort and yet it is chic.

So here are the suggestions – I die for the marc by marc jacobs bags. 🙂

The Aspirational Amazingness:



Oversized Alexa leather bag


Marvelous Choice for Mortals:


Alexandra pleated leather messenger bag



Pearl leather shoulder bag



Lil Ukita leather shoulder bag



Quilted leather messenger bag


Chanel Lust

Can we talk about perfection? Variety? How about classic with a twist?

I read about Chanel’s press day on The Clothes Whisperer some time ago, and now Red Carpet Fashion Awards are also posting images and impressions from this grand event – Chanel’s press day for Spring Summer 2011…

And all I can do is LUST… and share of course, so the lust and aspirational desire can be passed forward. Enjoy!


This one is my fave!!


Pictures RedCarpet-FashionAwards

Mulberry for Target: A Bit of a Drag

Just was in Target this evening and saw the Mulberry for Target collection for the first time in real life. I guess I am a bit late eh?

To be completely honest after I have read about them, and have seen press pictures and read the raving reviews… I must say I was a bit disappointed. I love Mulberry because their bags look classic,  natural, and soft and earthy. These ones were as away from nice leather as it can be, they looked cheap and felt even cheaper… well  it is true they were not expensive with prices ranging $34.99- $49.99, but still if you put your brand on something make it worth.

This pink leopard pattern is crazy! It definitely borderlines Juicy Couture and not Mulberry…


This one was my fave, although it looked a bit cheapy. Was the most classy of them all…

The clasp says Mulberry for Target, as if we would think it is the real thing…

What do you think? Love it or hate it?