
Food and Sex

Porn Sex vs Real Sex: The Differences Explained With Food.
Fantastic video, that will make you never look at bananas and Nutella the same way. 🙂

Everyone’s Sweethart: Jennifer Lawrence

When I wrote about Jennifer Lawrence, few weeks ago, it was before the whole noise about her started.

It was before the infamous fall at the Academy Awards…

jlaw fall academy awards

And before the joke-cracking session after the Oscars-

Jennifer turned out to be a wonderful, sweet person, who is beautiful on the inside and out. Good for Dior for choosing her as their face. I enjoyed Jennifer Lawrence’s funny comment about the Dior campaign, not many celebrities would say that out loud:

“Oh my god, I haven’t seen this. That doesn’t look like me at all. I love Photoshop more than anything in the world. Of course it’s Photoshop, people don’t look like that.”

jennifer lawrence dior

But photoshop or not she is beautiful and I can’t wait to see what else she will star at.

Epic and even funnier: Sh!t Fashion Girls Say

Do you remember the Sh*t Fahsion Girls Say video from a couple of weeks ago? Now there are two new episodes, made by different people and they are EPIC! Definitely worth the five minutes spent watching! How many of these have you said? Cuz I know for myself… it is more than just a few of these one-liners that come out of my mouth.

And part two:

Hot or Not?

George Clooney is in a bank ad, these days, promoting savings. The story is a bt awkward and definitely unrealistic. Perhaps that’s the point. But seriously… not funny, not that cute, and definitely not making me save more. There is a buzz around,  that he said he will never ever marry again, so he agreed to this ad for shits and giggles.

It reminds me of the Uma Thruman Schweppes ad, that is basically the same – a blah featuring a celeb. Having famous people definitely works wonders for the virality of the ads, but the creatives should put some more creativity in the story and the copy. I have always wondered how you go and pitch that script to the celebs….

YouTube Videos That Cheer Me Up

So here are some of the videos that are classic and I have seen hundreds of times, and get played every time I have to show something a funny video, or feel down and need to be cheered up, but there is no one around. Hope you like them, and don’t think my sense of humor is too violent or dark. I’d honestly like to know which are the funny YouTube videos people watch that are classic to them… mine are not the most watched, they are something I have found and have made such an impression that I keep watching it though the years…

I love Marcel, he makes me happy because he is so emo and has his own channel on YouTube.  Oh so full of quotes! Genius!


Classic! Makes me smile every single time, how something so small can scare something so big… and then the reaction of surprise by the mommy. Love! And it is a panda! So naturally… double love!


This has been on my top 3 for like 7 years or something. I have probably watched it more than a thousand times, and the funny thing is… he misses every single time!


No comment! LOL!!! Poor thing…


This is like the kid who misses the pool… poor thing hits the wall every single time! I think it is me who have seen it 200 000 times. 🙂





The World According to San Francisco

This map is hilarious in its truthfulness!

Thank you


Old Spice in a New Way

The male fragrance market is pretty saturated. Who has not watched the funny cool ads about the Axe effect, or seen any of the prints for Aqua di Gio.

And amongst all that fragrant hotness, how many people really liked or bought Old Spice?

Personally I think the brand was a bit outdated, the cool factor was gone, and even the packs of the products were  tad antique-looking. Until now:

As you see Old Spice has reinvented itself with an amazing viral marketing campaign. It’s all over the internet, and people are “loving it”. The Old Spice YouTube Channel is funny, sassy, and sexy, just as the ad. The clever sense of humour in the ads make you want to watch them  over and over again, and the handsome funny actor is just adding to the overall coolness, with his perfect enunciation and inflection.  All the other ads on the channel are funny too. However they have a little scent of the Axe ads in them, pun intended.

Also great PR on their part-  Isaiah Mustafa (the hot actor from the ad) was on Ellen’s Show. He was very pleasant and funny, and talked a bit for about the scenes. The ad is one long shot, and they had to shoot it more than 80 times. It was all worth it though.  Great final result.

On a final note I love that the ad above is talking to the ladies. It is not a macho, “yeah I’m a man! Grr!” aggressive type of an ad, it is subtle in its macho-ness presenting “what women want”, with a clever wink to the guys.

Great job Old Spice!

The New Dorks

This is a brilliant video, funny and smart, plus as a remake of a great song (Jay-Z ft. Alicia Keys- “Empire State of Mind”)

I am glad to see that  it’s cool to be dork now. Although that messes up the whole concept of a Dork 🙂

What do you think?

Video courtesy of Pantless Knights